Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sorry for the Wait

We are still here! So much has gone on, I don't even know where to start. I have been under the weather since Saturday, but it's just a summer cold and will take at least a week to get out of my system! YAY!! But Alli, she is growing so much. We (Dorothy and I) think she is teething. She can't go without a bib or her whole onesie will be soaked, she can't seem to get enough of those hands in her mouth, and every now and then she is fussy. She has been congested lately and I took her to the doctor only for the doc to walk in to a happy, smiling baby!! Yeah, I am the mother that takes her child in saying something's wrong, and she is perfectly fine! I would rather be over cautious than not. But some good news is that she as doubled in size, now weighing 12 lbs, 13 ounces!!
I have uploaded many pictures. Most are from vacation, with a few others. I hope I don't get behind again in the blogging world.
How precious are these pics of Lance and his mini me!!

This is her "green" outfit from her Nana (Lance's mom).

The Thomas 3

She looks just like her momma! Yeah Right!

Ths was how Noah rode in the wagon!

When Noah got upset, I would put him in Alli's stroller and roll him around the condo. He absolutely loved it. When you tried to get him out, he would start crying! He also loved cuddling with Alli's pink binky, which I am sure Chris didn't care to much for.

Alli's 1st bikini!

Alli loved wearing Noah's crocks. She thought it was hilarious that he had no idea.

Loving on Aunt Boo Boo

Morning smiles with Pops

"Are we really at LULU'S?!! I can't believe it"

Sweet Alli P!

Alli's first bath in the kitchen sink

She was a little modest, and didn't want to show her face!

Now cousin Noah on the oher hand, he was not modest!
Sorry Noah, I had to do it!

Alli's first time to the beach. She pretty much slept the whole time.

Kristin, Meg, and I at Meg and Scotty's wedding.
Kristin, Hannah, and I


Anonymous said...

OMG!! Noah is so upset that you posted a picture of his "button"!! You should be ashamed!

Sarah Duke said...

Those pictures are too cute! I can't believe how much she has grown already! Looks like y'all had a blast at the beach!

Hannah Lee said...

SO CUTE! I love all her little swimsuits! Let's get together soon!

Avery's Mommy said...

She is such a cutie! Looks just like her daddy.