Alli's nickname is Monkey, or at least that's what I call her. She makes my heart melt, even after keeping me up at night. See the funny thing is that Alli has slept through the night since she was 9 weeks, however, when we moved her to her own bed, across the house, she decided she didn't want to have any part in that!! Alli is great putting herself to sleep after her last bottle, but every night she wakes up. I messed up by going to get her and bringing her back to my room, so now she knows that all she has to do is cry and I am there to get her. So tonight I turned a radio on in her room so that when she wakes up, it will help her go back to sleep (she doesn't sleep in a quiet room, that's why the mobile is so great). And I am going to try to see about letting her cry herself back to sleep. It's so hard when I have to be at work at 7:30 the next morning. But it has to be done!!
Have I mentioned how much I love Monkey?Can you believe Noah's going to be 1 next week?!! We are going to his party on Saturday.
This is Alli's friend Kyla sharing her ducks!
Noah and Alli. It won't be long and she will be longer than Noah.
This is Alli's new friend Carleigh Perkins. She has a much better tan than Alli at this time, but Alli beats her in the weight category.
Who says she looks like me?